How Many Meals Should You Eat to Lose Weight?

Naman Rungta
3 min readJan 26, 2021


If you have ever tried to lose weight, you must have come across several conflicting diets, tips, and tricks. Quick internet research will lead you to endless food options and strategies but would mainly revolve around two eating regiments: Few Big meal Theory (intermittent fasting) or Many Small Meal Theory.

Before answering which theory is better, it is important to know the science behind them.


It suggests that one should eat only a few large meals in a day between a specific eating window. The most common pattern is 16:8, where you fast for 16 hours a day and eat a few big meals (generally 2 or 3) within the remaining 8 hours.

The main aim of this theory is to regulate insulin levels. Insulin is a hormone that our body produces when we eat food and break it down into blood sugars. Insulin’s main responsibility is to regulate the fat stores in the body and high levels of insulin can lead to obesity & diabetics. The actual science behind the role of Insulin is much more complicated.

The Big meal theory allows our body to only have 2 or 3 big insulin spikes during the entire day while keeping insulin levels relatively low for the rest of the period when the body is fasting. This not only encourages fat loss but also promotes efficient regulation of Insulin during its spikes.


1. Allows more flexibility & freedom. You can eat a relatively unhealthy meal yet be within your calorie target.

2. You can have larger and more fulfilling meals.

3. Fasting period is said to give more mental clarity and energy.


1. Big meals may also lead to big energy crashes, i.e., the sleepy lull after a heavy lunch.

2. Socially you may find it awkward to skip meals or stick to a defined eating window.

3. Fasting for long hours may be tough for certain people.


This theory suggests that one should eat several small meals (5 or 6) of similar portions and calories, that are evenly spaced out throughout the day.

The goal is also to regulate Insulin but by controlling the number of insulin spikes rather than the amount of the spikes. Smaller meals lead to lower amounts of blood sugar and hence a lower amount of insulin spikes(though the frequency is much higher).

These Insulin spikes are smaller and occur in regular intervals, resulting in consistent energy throughout the day and no hunger pangs that might be felt during the fasting window while practicing the former theory.


1. Consistent energy throughout the day without any hunger pangs.

2. It is easier to manage your macronutrients, i.e., hit the protein goals.


1. You need to plan your meals to ensure portion control.

2. It does not allow any flexibility or freedom. You may find it awkward to restrict yourself to smaller meals at social events & dinners.


Weight loss is based on mathematics, not science, hence the theory you adopt doesn’t matter. You just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

I.e., If you are burning 2000 calories a day, you must eat only 1500 calories daily to lose 1 kg weight a week.

It is your choice if you wish to eat Two big meals of 750 calories or five small Meals of 300 Calories. Use any fitness app to track your calories, MyFitnessPal is a personal favorite.


My love for food coupled with my lack of organization skills makes this theory an ideal strategy for me to reach my weight loss goals.



Naman Rungta
Naman Rungta

Written by Naman Rungta

I work a typical 9–7 job. I am attempting to break that monotony through a fitness journey ,a side hustle (e-commerce clothing store)& Content Creation.

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